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Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

Program Committees, Editorial Boards, and Reviewing Activities

Thematic Quarter on Compilation

Compsys is part of the Labex MILYON, which regroups Institut Camille Jordan, and the mathematics and computer science labs of ENS-Lyon. One of its goal is “to strengthen our international relationships, in particular by organizing thematic quarters which will allow world experts of a subject to gather in Lyon and work together in a stimulating environment.” In this context, Alain Darte, helped by Alexandre Isoard and Laetitia Lecot, organized, from April to July 2013, a thematic quarter on compilation techniques ( ), with a special focus on the interactions with languages and architectures for high performance computing. This thematic quarter (with a total budget of 100 Keuros), consisted, in addition to the “french compilation days” organized separately in Annecy by Laure Gonnord and Fabrice Rastello (April 4-7, 2013), in three international scientific events organized in Lyon or the vicinity.

During this compilation thematic quarter, Paul Feautrier and Alain Darte gave the following talks: